6 Different Type of Perfume: Exploring Fragrance Diversity

different types of perfume categories
Perfumes have long been cherished for their ability to captivate and enchant our senses. With an extensive variety of fragrances available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of perfumes. From delicate floral scents to bold and seductive aromas, perfumes offer an array of choices to suit every individual’s preferences. We will explore five different types of perfumes, ranging from their strengths to the various scent categories they encompass. Whether you’re seeking a subtle fragrance for daily wear or a powerful statement for special occasions, understanding the distinctions between perfume types and scents can help you find your perfect olfactory match. Let’s embark on a fragrant journey and uncover the diverse and alluring world of perfumes.

Exploring Perfume Varieties: Perfume Types & Strengths

perfumes the a-z guide

Each perfume has a fragrance concentration, which depends on how much perfume oils and alcohol are in it. The differences in these factors result in the five main types of perfume in the market today.

  1. Parfum
  2. Eau de Parfum
  3. Eau de Toilette
  4. Eau de Cologne
  5. Eau Fraiche
  6. Perfume Oils

1. Parfum

Parfum is a type of perfume that has a really strong smell. It’s also called Pure Perfume or Extrait de Parfum.

Fragrance Notes
Out of all the different kinds of smells, Parfum is the most expensive and has the strongest scent because it contains a lot of fragrance oil. This means that it stays on the skin for a long time and gives the person wearing it a complete range of different smells that are released gradually.

A special kind of perfume called Parfum has a stronger smell because it contains more scented ingredients. It has between 20% to 30% of these special ingredients. Parfum also has less alcohol compared to other perfumes.

Scent-Lasting Time
A Parfum usually stays on your skin for a minimum of 10 hours and even longer.

Who It’s for
Perfume is a great option for people with sensitive skin because it has less alcohol than other types. It stays on the surface and doesn’t make your skin dry. You only need to use a little bit and it will work well.


  • Perfume is a special kind of scent that can make you smell nice for the whole day.
  • Make yourself feel better and express yourself with a scent for every occasion.
  • Perfumes usually have special chemicals called pheromones that can make people feel attracted to each other.
  • Perfume can have a soothing effect on the mind and body, like a special kind of therapy using nice smells.
  • If you’re someone who is sensitive to products with a lot of alcohol, you might find that parfum is a better choice for you. Parfum has less alcohol than other fragrances, so it could be the most suitable option.


  • Usually, the things that make parfum smell nice are kept secret, and that means they might have bad stuff in them that can hurt you.
  • Perfume, which is made using chemicals, can sometimes cause problems for people with sensitive skin or mild allergies.
  • Unfortunately, a lot of fancy perfume companies test their ingredients on animals and include things in their perfumes that come from animals.
  • Many perfumes contain a substance called ethyl alcohol, which is highly flammable.

2. Eau de Parfum

Eau de parfum is a type of perfume that many people use every day for different things. It’s usually not as expensive as Parfum. You can spray this perfume on your hair and clothes, but you need to be careful with delicate fabrics like silk so you don’t get any stains.

Fragrance Notes
You can smell a combination of different scents, including the ones that are strong at the top, the ones in the middle, and the ones that are base. but the middle tones are the main focus because the top tones disappear from your skin very quickly.

This one smells really strong, like perfume, because it has a lot of fragrance in it. It has about 15% to 20% of the smelly stuff in it, which is a lot.

Scent-Lasting Time
Eau de Parfum smells really good and stays smelling nice for a long time, up to eight hours a day.

Who It’s for
This perfume is great for dates because it smells strong and people can easily notice it. It becomes even stronger when you’re in hot places. But if you work in a small space with others, it might not be the best choice because the scent is very strong.


  • Eau de parfum has a lot of fragrance in it, even more than parfum.
  • If you like strong scents, eau de parfum is a great choice.
  • Many fancy brands make eau de parfum, like the really fancy Chanel n°5.
  • Eau de parfum can be cheaper than parfum because it has less fragrance in it.


  • This product can irritate your sinuses, throat, and eyes, just like any other fragrance.
  • Eau de parfum may not always be safe because it can have many chemicals that are kept secret from the public.
  • In the winter, when our skin is dry and not as hydrated, perfume can fade faster and not last as long.

3. Eau de Toilette

Eau de Toilette is a popular kind of perfume that many people use. It’s often less expensive than Eau de Parfum. The name comes from a French phrase that means getting ready, so it’s often used for everyday use. The smells of Eau de Toilette are usually lighter and simpler than Eau de Parfum.

Fragrance Notes
When you put on perfume, the first scents you smell are the strongest ones. They make you feel refreshed. But they don’t last very long, because they go away quickly.

Eau de Toilette contains a small amount of scented oils, usually between 5% and 15%.

Scent-Lasting Time
Eau de Toilette usually stays on your skin and smells nice for about four to six hours.

Who It’s for
It is appropriate for the summertime. Moderately high alcohol concentrations. It is also a great choice for regular day wear.


  • Eau de toilette is great to use during the summer and when you have allergies because it has a milder smell.
  • This type of perfume is cheaper than Eau de parfum.
  • EDT is the best option to wear during the day. It won’t overpower your family or coworkers like a strong perfume would.


  • You need to put EDT on your skin again every few hours. But if you keep doing that, harmful substances in EDT can build up on your skin. This can cause various health problems.
  • Using EDT for a long time can make your skin itchy and cause allergies. It can also give you bad headaches, make your asthma worse, and make your sinuses feel bad.

4. Eau de Cologne

Eau de Cologne, also known as Cologne, is a type of perfume that most people can easily recognize. It’s less expensive compared to other types and comes in larger bottles. The reason for the bigger bottles is that you need to spray more of them to get a noticeable smell.

Fragrance Notes
Cologne perfume doesn’t stay for a long time, but it has a strong smell that people like when they first apply it.

Eau de Cologne smells nice and comes in different strengths. The smell strength can be between 2% and 5%. It also has a lot of alcohol in it.

Scent-Lasting Time
Most eau de cologne perfumes only smell good for up to two hours.

Who It’s for
This is a great choice for hot weather because it doesn’t stay on your skin for a long time, and you can put it on again often. But if your skin is sensitive, it might not be the best option because it has a lot of alcohol in it.


  • EDC can be used at any time of the day and provides a gentle and refreshing scent. It is a good choice if you prefer lighter fragrances that often contain citrus notes. When you compare it to perfumes made in France, like Atelier Cologne, you’ll understand the difference.
  • Wearing cologne can make you feel more self-assured and well-put together.


  • EDC has a lot more alcohol than other perfumes, which can make your skin very dry.
  • Cologne can have lots of man-made chemicals, including some that come from petroleum. These chemicals can be bad for you and the environment.
  • Most perfumes are made for both men and women, but cologne is mainly designed for men.

5. Eau Fraiche

This fragrance has the least strong smell compared to other perfumes. It’s a light, gentle, and soft kind of perfume. It’s also inexpensive. It doesn’t have as strong of an effect as other perfumes, but it still does the job.

Fragrance Notes
Eau Fraiche doesn’t have strong notes.

Eau Fraiche is special because it’s made mostly of water and fragrance instead of alcohol. The fragrance part is only a small amount, about 1% to 3% of the whole thing.

Scent-Lasting Time
Eau Fraiche perfumes can make you smell nice for around 2 hours.

Who It’s for
This is a great option for you if you don’t like strong smells. It doesn’t have any alcohol in it, so it’s not very strong. It’s also a good choice if you have sensitive skin.


  • Eau Fraiche is a type of perfume that costs less than other perfumes and has very little or no alcohol in it. It’s made by mixing fragrance with mostly water, which makes it a great choice for people with sensitive or dry skin.
  • If you’re just starting to learn about perfumes, this is a great introduction.
  • If you don’t want allergies or skin problems but still want to smell great, Eau Fraiche is the way to go.


  • You need to refill often, about every hour, to stay fresh. This means it won’t last for a long time.
  • Eau Fraiche may not be good for nighttime events like dates. It won’t have the same sensual flair or long-lasting effect as your captivating perfume.

6. Perfume Oils

Perfume oils are very strong and long-lasting scented liquids that usually come in roll-on or dab-on bottles. They are great for people with sensitive skin because they often don’t contain alcohol. The perfume oils have different amounts of essential oils, which give them their smell.

Fragrance Notes
These powerful oils are applied to the skin through massage, and they make you feel happy and excited for a long time.

Perfume oils often contain up to 20% of the scented essential oils that give them their fragrance. The rest of the mixture is made up of a different oil called a carrier oil.

Scent-Lasting Time
This kind of perfume has a smell that lasts for a longer time (about 12 hours) than certain perfumes that contain alcohol.

Who It’s for
Perfume oil is for anyone seeking a long-lasting and personalized fragrance experience, offering a wide range of scents to suit individual preferences and occasions. It can be enjoyed by both men and women, providing a versatile and intimate olfactory enhancement.


  • Perfume oils are much stronger than the perfumes you find in department stores. In fact, they are ten times more concentrated!
  • Fragrance oils don’t have alcohol, so they’re a good option for people with sensitive and dry skin.
  • This is a cheaper choice compared to most perfumes that contain alcohol.


  • Even products that say they are “natural” or “organic” may still have bad-smelling things in them that can be harmful to you.

Main Types of Perfume Scents

Perfume scents can be categorized into four main types, each characterized by a distinct olfactory profile. These scent categories serve as a helpful framework for understanding and selecting perfumes based on personal preferences. Let’s delve into the four main types of perfume scents:

  1. Floral
  2. Woody
  3. Oriental
  4. Fresh

1. Floral

Floral scents have always been very popular in perfumes because they create sweet and romantic smells of different strengths. Women’s floral perfumes usually have smells like roses, lilies, jasmine, and peonies. Men’s floral fragrances often have scents like orange blossoms or lavender.

Floral Subfamilies
Fruity — These scents smell really yummy and they have the sweet smells of fruits and berries like apple, peach, pear, mandarin, and fig.
Floral — Fragrances that make you feel romantic and smell like flowers that were just cut.
Soft Floral — Gentle, fluffy smells that feel like powder, with a cozy foundation that makes the strong floral smells milder.
Floral Oriental — Flower smells with a little bit of spice to make them more interesting and exotic.

2. Woody

Woody scents are often used in perfumes for men or evening perfumes for women. These fragrances have light, refreshing smells at first and then deeper, musky smells later. Woody perfumes are made using ingredients like sandalwood, oakmoss, patchouli, cedarwood, and amber. These ingredients create calming and earthy smells with a warm feeling.

Woody Subfamilies
Dry Woody — Perfumes with a fresh and dry woody smell that gives off a smoky and leathery fragrance.
Mossy Woody — Scents that have a smooth and earthy smell, like the scent of moss and the warm aroma of amber.
Woody — Perfumes with strong and rich smells like cedarwood, sandalwood, and vetiver are called woody fragrances. Sometimes, these perfumes also have hints of citrus or flowery scents to balance out the strong wood smells.

3. Oriental

Oriental perfumes are special scents that feel warm and exotic. They are made using spices like pepper, cloves, and vanilla, and have hints of sandalwood, amber, and musk. These perfumes are rich and sensual, with a unique depth and earthy feel. They are considered luxurious and extravagant among all the different types of perfumes.

Oriental Subfamilies
Soft Oriental — Oriental fragrances from the East that are not too strong. They usually have a blend of soft, flowery scents and cozy spices.
Oriental — Nice, indulgent, and cozy smells that have a lot of spices like cinnamon, musk, vanilla, and jasmine.
Woody Oriental — These scents mix spicy smells from the East with earthy smells like sandalwood, rosewood, and patchouli to make them smell even richer and more interesting.

4. Fresh

The fresh fragrance group includes scents that smell clean and invigorating. These perfumes have a refreshing and uplifting quality. They usually combine citrus scents like lemon, orange, and bergamot with herbal scents like rosemary, sage, and thyme.

Fresh Subfamilies
Green — Green fragrances are special because they have a fresh and crisp smell, reminding us of herbs and leaves like the scent of newly mowed grass. These perfumes make us feel alive and can include smells like moss, leaves, green tea, and aquatic plants.
Water — Perfumes made with water-inspired ingredients have a gentle and fresh smell that feels light and refreshing.
Citrus — Fragrances smell fresh and lively because they have scents like lemon, orange, bergamot, mandarin, and grapefruit.
Aromatic — These smells have fresh, plant-like smells like sage, rosemary, cumin, and lavender. People often mix these smells with woody smells to make men’s perfumes. Aromatic smells are one of the oldest perfume scents, and people have been using plant-like smells in perfumes for more than 4000 years.

Here are some simple tips to make your perfume last as long as possible

  • Keeping perfumes exposed to direct sunlight is not a good idea. When perfumes are exposed to sunlight, the molecules in them start to break down faster, which causes the perfume to go bad sooner.
  • Store your perfumes in places with normal temperatures. If you keep them in warm, damp areas like your bathroom, they will deteriorate faster.
  • You don’t have to put your perfumes in the fridge, but it’s a choice you can make. If you live with your family, it might be difficult to find space in the fridge for your fragrances. It’s generally recommended to store perfumes in a cool place.

The reaction between perfume and skin

How a fragrance reacts on the skin will depend on the following factors:

  • The relief of the skin: If you keep your skin moisturized, the smell of your perfume will stay for a longer time. So, it’s a good idea to drink at least one liter of water every day to keep your skin hydrated.
  • The Ph of the skin: The pH is like a mixture of water and natural oils on our skin, which is called the “hydrolipidic film.” When our skin is more flexible, fragrances tend to last longer on it. However, when we sweat, it can affect how the fragrance smells. If you have acidic skin, which means your skin is more on the acidic side, using perfumes or concentrated fragrances with 20% or more strength is a better choice.
  • The person’s activity: We have observed that someone who is active and moves around a lot tends to make their perfume smell good for a longer time than someone who doesn’t move much or sits still most of the time.
  • The olfactory heritage: A special fragrance is created using smells that bring back happy memories for a person and is a great match for them. This fragrance blends well with the good smells that a person has experienced in the past. When young children are exposed to various smells from everyday life, nature, delicious food, and traveling, their sense of smell becomes richer as they grow up.
  • Food: What we eat can change how our skin smells. For instance, if we eat a lot of meat or onions, it can affect the way our skin smells. When we wear perfume, it might smell different because of these changes.
  • Skin temperature: Normally, our body temperature stays the same. However, if our temperature goes up or down a lot, it can affect how we smell things.
  • Medicines: Certain medicines can change the way your skin smells, which can also affect the way a perfume smells when you put it on your skin.
  • The climate: Different countries and climates can affect how well you can smell your perfume. For instance, in places with air conditioning, it may be more difficult to detect the scent of your fragrance.
  • Disease: Scientists have discovered that certain illnesses can cause problems with the skin. Additionally, they have found that specific smells in the air can help doctors identify and diagnose certain diseases.
  • The seasons: The smell of a perfume or fragrance may change in summer or winter, and it can also have different effects on the skin depending on the season.
  • The hormonal cycle: Our sense of smell can change at different times in our lives because of our hormones. For example, during a monthly cycle, we might notice that a fragrance smells stronger or weaker on our skin. When we go through puberty, have a baby, or experience menopause, our hormones can also affect our sense of smell and the types of smells we like. These changes can make us prefer different fragrances than before.
  • Age: As we age, our skin tends to become drier, which means it loses moisture faster. Because of this, fragrances applied to older skin may not last as long.
  • Perfume for men or women: Sometimes, a perfume that is considered very feminine can actually smell masculine on a man’s skin, and the opposite can be true as well. Perfume is like an emotion that doesn’t really care about gender. Nowadays, you’ll find that perfumes are less often labeled for men or women, especially in certain special perfume stores. When children wear perfume, it usually smells gentle and mild, but as teenagers grow older, the perfume tends to have a stronger scent on their skin.
  • Hair color: In the past, people used to believe that there were specific scents for blondes and different ones for brunettes. However, nowadays, this idea is no longer believed in or promoted by perfume experts or consultants. They understand that scent preferences are not determined by hair color, and everyone can choose any fragrance they like, regardless of their hair color.


1. What type of fragrance is the most liked?
Perfumes with more perfume oils are stronger and stay on the skin for a longer time. Eau de Parfum is one of the strongest types of perfumes.

2. Which type of perfume is better: EDP or EDT?
EDP lasts longer than EDT because it has more perfume oils in it. EDP typically contains 10-20% perfume oils, while EDT contains 5-15%. However, some people may find EDP too strong or expensive, so they prefer to wear EDT instead. EDT is more affordable and gives bursts of beautiful fragrances before fading.

3. Which one is more powerful, eau de toilette or cologne?
Eau de toilette is more powerful than eau de cologne. EDT has 5-15% of scented oils, while colognes have 2-4% of these oils.

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Rose Frank

Rose Frank is a young enthusiastic girl who loves everything about fashion. She believes in expressing her passion in a language that everyone can connect with. She is part of the LooksGud team, which loves to reach out to maximum people and inspire them to express themselves through fashion.