How to Use Essential Oils Effectively for Tooth Pain

A toothache can cause a lot of agony and inconvenience. Finding relief becomes a significant priority, regardless of the pain’s severity. Despite the importance of regular dental checkups, some patients are finding temporary relief from toothaches with unconventional methods like essential oils. In this blog, we’ll learn about essential oils, including relieving tooth pain and improving oral health.

teeth pain

What Are Essential Oils, And How Can They Help With Toothache?

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts of many plants, each with scent and medicinal characteristics. Because of their healing powers, these oils have been utilized for centuries in alternative medicine and aromatherapy. Because of their anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-relieving), and antibacterial qualities, several essential oils can help alleviate toothaches. If you’re seeking a natural solution that’s highly effective for tooth pain, essential oils could be the answer. Here’s why:

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Clove oil and tea tree oil are only two of the many essential oils that include anti-inflammatory components. These oils can help alleviate the swelling and pain associated with a toothache, often caused by inflammation.

Analgesic Properties

Clove oil and peppermint oil are two examples of essential oils that include natural chemicals that function as analgesics. These chemicals can numb the gums and teeth, reducing discomfort momentarily.

Antimicrobial Action

Tea tree oil and cinnamon oil are two examples of essential oils with antibacterial characteristics. They help prevent the spread of germs in the mouth, which could be the source of the discomfort felt in one’s teeth.

Soothing Sensations

Essential oils’ fragrant properties might help ease discomfort and divert attention from it. When suffering from dental pain, using aromatherapy can have a calming effect on your body and mind.

Improved Blood Circulation

Eucalyptus oil is one essential oil that has been shown to improve blood flow. Increased blood flow to the injured area has been shown to decrease inflammation and speed recovery.

Which Essential Oils Are Commonly Used For Relieving Toothache Pain?

Several essential oils’ inherent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial characteristics have made them popular remedies for toothache pain. A few popular essential oils for this are listed below.

Clove Oil

Eugenol, a component of clove oil, is an all-natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. One of the most common uses for this essential oil is to alleviate a toothache. When administered topically, clove oil has a brief numbing and calming effect.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil’s pain-relieving and cooling menthol content is well-known. It has the potential to alleviate pain and give a welcome cooling effect. The antibacterial qualities of peppermint oil can help with this as well.

Tea Tree Oil

It’s common knowledge that tea tree oil can kill microorganisms and reduce inflammation. It can help reduce inflammation and combat bacteria that cause toothache.

Eucalyptus Oil

The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects of eucalyptus oil are well-documented. It may have a slightly anaesthetic effect and help the mouth heal.

Lavender Oil

Because of its soothing and relaxing effects, lavender oil is frequently used. Although it’s not as well-known for relieving toothaches as other oils, peppermint oil can help you feel more at ease while experiencing dental pain.

Cinnamon Oil

Oil distilled from cinnamon trees has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It may help alleviate discomfort by reducing inflammation and fighting off oral bacteria.

Frankincense Oil

The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties of frankincense oil are well-documented. Its calming effects could ease minor dental pain.

DIY Toothache Relief Recipes

Essential Oil Toothpaste

Use baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oil (like peppermint or clove) to make your homemade toothpaste. The use of this method helps alleviate tooth pain and improve dental hygiene.

Essential Oil Mouthwash

A relaxing bath can be made with just a few ingredients: warm water, salt, and essential oils like peppermint or tea tree. Use this concoction as a gargle to alleviate inflammation and eliminate microorganisms.

Essential Oil Compress

Put a few drops of calming oil, such as chamomile or lavender, into a basin of hot water and soak. In the solution, soak a clean cloth. To alleviate pain, apply the compress gently on the cheek in the area of the troublesome tooth.

Can Essential Oils Replace Traditional Dental Care For Treating Toothaches?


Essential oils’ analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities make them a temporary solution for toothache pain. However, these remedies are not meant to substitute professional dental treatment. Here are few reasons why:

Identifying Underlying Issues

Tooth decay, cavities, gum infections, and other major dental issues can all contribute to a painful tooth. While essential oils may relieve discomfort, they do little to treat the underlying cause. Professional dental treatment is required to diagnose and treat the underlying cause properly.

Preventing Further Damage

Problems with teeth can be detected and treated early by dentists. In the long term, more discomfort and damage could be caused by ignoring adequate dental care in favour of utilising essential oils alone.

Risk of Delayed Treatment

Essential oils may provide temporary pain relief, making you feel the issue has been cured when it hasn’t. Putting off dental care can lead to the need for more extensive and expensive repairs down the road.

Comprehensive Treatment

Preventative measures, cleanings, fillings, root canals, and extractions (when necessary) are all part of a comprehensive dental care plan. These procedures are essential to general dental health and cannot be done with essential oils.

Professional Expertise

Dentists have what it takes to properly identify and treat oral problems thanks to their education, experience, and equipment. Essential oils are not a replacement for the care provided by a dentist.

Hygiene and Maintenance

Regular dental checkups, cleanings, as well as good oral hygiene contribute to the prevention of toothaches and the maintenance of optimal oral health. While essential oils can complement these routines, they should not be employed as substitutes.

It is crucial to emphasise regular dental checkups and expert dental care, although essential oils can provide immediate relief and improve oral hygiene. If you have a toothache, visit a dentist to identify and treat the condition properly. Essential oils can be a helpful supplementary remedy, but they shouldn’t replace regular dental visits and cleanings prescribed by your dentist.


The discomfort of a toothache can be alleviated naturally and holistically using essential oils. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that they can’t replace actual dental work. Consult a dentist if your toothache lasts a few days or is painful. When used properly, essential oils can complement conventional dental treatment by easing discomfort and improving oral health. Healthy teeth and happy smile will make you look attractive & beautiful.

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Scarlett Carter

After obtaining the degree of a lawyer, Scarlett found her passion for life in writing. She loves to articulate her thoughts and views through words. Loves challenges and leaves no stone unturned. Worked as a content writer for more than a year. Now part of team Looksgud to share her ideas and tips with readers who love fashion and want to be in vogue.