6 Worst Fabrics You hate to wear in Summer

We have entered that part of the year, where you can flaunt your style quotient, look charming, enjoy chill drinks and basically have fun. Yes, we are talking about the hottest yet the coolest time of the year, summer. Summer season revamps your wardrobe with trendy and cool outfits, and lets you enjoy everyday to the fullest, but along with the good comes the bad- you would even experience times where you would be drenched in sweat, the hot waves will suck in your energy and all the idea of flaunting your outfits would become a far dream.

worst fabric to wear in summer

But what are we for? At Looksgud.in we make sure all our readers gain maximum from our posts and hence we decided to enlighten you with which fabrics are just not for the summer and how they would get on your nerves and cause you discomfort. We share our 6 fabrics that are not so friendly fabrics for the summer season. Take a look and save yourself from sweat drenched clothes.

  1. Polyester
  2. Nylon
  3. Satin
  4. Corduroy
  5. Flannel
  6. Lycra

1. Polyester:

Unlike silk, polyester fabric are stain resistant and hide all the sweat marks, but it is a non-breathable fabric. It is a synthetic polymer that does not absorb sweat and would make you immediately sweaty when you wear an outfit in polyester. It is called the durable and water-repellent fabric, but will hold all your sweat and cause you discomfort, and that is a last thing you want on a scorching sunny day. There are even polyester blends with natural fibers such as cotton, China silk, and others, but even they aren’t friendly fabric for hot summer.

2. Nylon: 

One of the troublesome fabrics during summer is nylon. It is a synthetic, silky fiber which was used as an alternative to the silk fabric. Mostly nylon is used for outdoor activities and stockings as it has excellent elastic property and can really be challenging to wear nylon outfits that are sure to sour your mood. Also due to its low absorbent tendency, it can make you feel sticky during humid weathers. Hence nylon is a thumbs down during sweaty days.

3. Satin: 

The silky, opulent looking fabric, satin is a strict no during the clammy weather. Like silk, satin is prone to show water spots, hence it would show the sweat stains and won’t absorb the sweat even. The sweaty weather and satin outfit would never be a great option for weddings and parties. 

4. Corduroy:

No matter how smart you look in your corduroy or cords pants, we ask you to refrain them during summer. Even though it is lightweight and made up of cotton or cotton and polyester blend, the Indian weather would boil you in a pair of corduroy pants. The fabric would stick to your body and make you sweat more. Instead of corduroy, we suggest you to pick chinos.

5. Flannel:

We say a big no to flannel outfits during the summer season. Flannel is made from wool, cotton and synthetic fiber, which is soft and does not act as a moisture wicking fabric. You would sweat and stay sweaty in flannel made apparels, also the fabric is non-breathable and hence there would be no circulation of air and you would feel hot and warm.

6. Lycra:

Lycra or spandex is a stretchable fabric that is lightweight and mostly used for women’s clothing such as leggings. There are varieties in Lycra such as cotton Lycra, wool Lycra and nylon Lycra. But when it comes to breathability spandex it traps the moisture or sweat content against the skin and makes you feel hot. Also due to its tight-fit, you might feel suffocating and discomfort.  Yet if you want to pick Lycra leggings opt for cotton Lycra which would be soothing in comparison to wool and nylon Lycra.

Recommended Read: 11 Best Summer Fabrics to Beat the Heat

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Jessika Perkins

A creative writer who enjoys romantic novels, a huge fan of Marilyn Monroe, and a believer in karma. Loves to explore life and enjoys it to the fullest. Addicted to diamonds and bling jewelry. When not writing, busy stalking celebrity fashion, or reading food blogs. A part of Looksgud.com to enlighten her readers with fab ideas and style tips.

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One thought on “6 Worst Fabrics You hate to wear in Summer”

  1. I don’t agree with the Lycra, it depends on the blend. I have Cotton/Lycra 95/5 blend that are cooler than any 100% cotton I own.

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