6 Magic Tricks to buy right fit Jeans without trial

Most of Indian men and women opt to go for local jeans brand instead of branded jeans, because local manufacturing jeans brands are also giving various colors, patterns, designs all just at lowest price than top brands. The experience of buying local products is not always as comfortable as branded. Sometimes you do not have a trial room or sometimes some retailers do not agree to give a trial. Most of the buyers change their buying decision at last even after selecting the best pair of jeans when they aren’t given the trial. Have you any such experience that you refused to pay for jeans you like the most just because of not getting a trial?

If you still love to buy local brands without trial then do not worry, now we are giving away three cool fashion hacks for those who want to buy perfect fit jeans or trousers even without a trial.

How to know if a pair of jeans will fit without trying them on at the store,jeans trick for perfect fit

1. Neck Method: Measuring waist using Neck

Circumference of your waist is approximately double the circumference of your neck.

How to buy jeans for right waist hack,jeans magic for waist size

jeans trick, jeans hack, measure trouser without wearing

1. First of all button-up jeans or trousers that you want to check.

2. Then wrap the waist of the jeans around the neck as you wear a necklace. You can wrap jeans from the front-side or backside. Choose the wrapping method according to your comfort.

3. If the edges of waistband meet each other comfortably without overlapping then jeans should be right fit you on waist. If the edges of waistband overlap then it should be oversized jeans and the same if the edges of waistband showing a gap to meet up then it should be undersized jeans.

When Helpful?

  • Trial room facility is not available
  • Do not have time to check the size or have to wait more due to a long queue for trial in the mall.
  • Do not want to trial all your selected jeans and want to get a quick idea about fitting as sizing can vary across brands

Note: This trick does not work in case of high waisted jeans and low rise jeans.

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2. Hand Method: Measuring waist using Hand

How to measure the perfect pair of jeans without trial, jeans waist fit hack

buy right fit trouser without trail, jeans trick, fashion hack, fashion tips

Clench a fist and then try to place your elbow and crossed finger in between waistline of jeans as shown in the image above.

fashion trick to buy perfect fir jeans, fashion hack

If your hand fits well and jeans behold between them luckily as the image showed above then you have selected right fit jeans for your waistline.

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This Video from Myntra will explain the first 2 tricks easily…

3. Shoulders Method: Measuring Hips using Shoulders

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easy fashion trick or hack to measure perfect fit pant's hips for your body without try in trail room, jeans magic trick, jeans hack

Image Via instructables.com

Measuring the waist doesn’t finish your work. Many women have proportionally larger hips than waist measurements. If the above two tricks work then do not forget to try this trick too, to find out perfect fit jeans.

First, find out the widest hip part of your trouser and then try to measure it from shoulder to shoulder.

If you find your shoulders larger or equal to your trouser’s hip measurement then jeans should be fit at hips.

If you find your jeans’ hip measurement slightly wider then your shoulders then it is a perfect fit.

If you find your jeans’ hip measurement much wider than your shoulders then jeans are baggy at hips.

4. Length Check: Measure the Hemline

How to buy jeans for right length without wearing it on,what is the right length for jeans,jeans length hack

The last thing you would want while buying jeans is to have its hemline end abruptly. Thus, it becomes necessary to check the hemline by holding its edges and stretching your hands towards its sides. Ideally, the middle portion of the jeans needs to fall right under your chin at the neck level.

5. Skinny Jeans Troubles: Will My Foot Fit?

Skinny jeans won't fit over foot, hack to get skinny jeans on your feet

Insert your clenched fist inside the skinny jeans to find out whether you can slip it on easily. If the bulging bones of your hand pass through the leg opening without pulling at its edges, then you have found yourself the perfect pair. Afterall modern fashionistas demand the perfect blend of style and comfort. The pulling of jeans has become a thing of past now. Presently it’s all about wearing your favourite pair with just one simple movement.

6. Binging Over Carbs Lately? Check Your Waist Size with This Easy Hack

How to buy jeans that fit right on waist or abdomen,fashion jeans hack

Hold your shortlisted pair against the side of your waist and press its edges against the centre of your abdomen. The pants should ideally be covering this distance between the middle of your back and middle of your abdomen.

Hey, friends, these tricks work for most human bodies. I used the word most because it is not 100% true as any universal law. Please, try and write in a comment about your ideas. If you have any such fashion hack in your mind then please share with us we are happy to share with our fans. After all, sharing is caring.

H/T: Youtube.com

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Bruno Lee

Bruno is a senior editor at LooksGud. He is a fashion observer and devotee who is always curious to know what’s trending in the field. He loves trekking, playing cricket, and fantasy movies. He loves to write about practical, budget-friendly fashion and simple hacks…. want to join the fun?

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One thought on “6 Magic Tricks to buy right fit Jeans without trial”

  1. The forearm in the waist band works perfectly for me. Tieing the waist of the jeans to the neck seems silly.

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