12 Cool Ways to Show Midriff/Belly Navel in Style

All age group of people are officially backed in style. Trends are a good thing, but when it comes to showing the skin attraction, people have got to be careful. People pay attention on some do’s to tastefully show off the midriff.

Baring Midriff Outfits in Style

Now, with spring there, summer not far away, midriffs are on full display. If you have been hitting the gym regularly and you want to show off the toned body, there are many ways available to definitely show off the midriff.

Depending on how people go about it, showing off the midriff can be one of the fashion statements. The following ways help to show off your midriff tastefully.

12 Stunning Styles to Bare Midriff Without Looking Scandalous

1. Crop tops

Crop tops with jeans, palazzo and skirt

The crop tops are the perfect and safest choice for you if you like to show your attractive midriff easily. Wear a perfect-sized crop top with a floor-length skirt or team-cropped tees with the correct pair of jeans. Make sure the crop tops with high-waist pants are the best opposed to wearing with low waist ones. It also becomes so popular that you can even spot such tops on the carpet worn by hottest celebrities. It has the most choices to make like it can be paired up with shorts, pants, jeggings, and Dhoti salwar and hence it looks ravishing.

2. Knot up your Shirt

Knot up your Shirt

People can fashion anything themselves if they don’t have clothes that are highly designed to show off the midriff. In addition, you can easily knot up your tee shirt to turn it into a crop top that looks very trendy. However, show off your midriff is this casual look. For a formal look, you can leave your jacket on. This is the right way to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations.

3. Knot in T-shirt

Knot in T-shirt

When you are bored of wearing your casual t-shirt and you want to try something that looks better with showing the midriff, knotting it up may work. You will be amazed to see that you get all the way new attire. Also, it is one of the most enticing ways to show off your midriff.

4. Sarees


In order to show off your midriff wearing a saree is the best and obvious way for you. The best part is that people can decide how little or how much of the midriff they want to flaunt. Follow the trends inspired by celebrities who wear the most stylish sarees flaunting their midriffs in the best possible manner.

5. Lehenga with Sheer see-through Cape

Lehenga with Sheer see-through Cape

Folks can also show off their midriff with some kinds of see-through material. When you wear a Lehenga that has a sheer see-through material or a dupatta, it gives your midriff a beautiful and decent look. You look stunning when you wear a lehenga flaunting your skin.

6. Cut Out Jumpsuits

Cut Out Jumpsuits

Jumpsuits look awesome on everyone especially if you have a good height. They make you look stylish and great. But, to add more tinge of hotness to it, you can try cut-out jumpsuits that help you flaunt your midriff in the best possible manner making everyone hypnotized by you.

7. Layer it Up

Layer it Up

It is again one of the best ways to bare your midriff moderately.  If you are wearing a crop or a short top or a sports bra underneath paired up with shorts, skirts, or maybe jeans, you can always wear a shrug or a shirt over the same to make it look great as well as trendy. By choosing what can be worn over the top, you can easily decide how much of the skin you can flaunt. This makes everyone look at you with appreciating eyes.

8. Cut out evening Gown

Cut out evening Gown

When you wear a cut-out evening gown, you choose one that looks awesome on you. It looks bold and great which shows elegance. You look gorgeous and enticing when you show off your midriff in such a gown. All you need to have is a toned body and the audacity to show it off.

9. Cut Out Dresses

Cut Out Dresses

There may be dresses also where you can enjoy the same freedom of showing your midriffs to your best. All you need to do is to look for a dress that shows the perfect midriff that you want to flaunt and you will look superb in it.

10. Bustier Top

Bustier Top with skirt

If you have a toned and fit body, definitely you must be a bustier tops fan and you will not mind showing some skin too. When you show the midriff wearing a bustier top paired up with jeans, shorts, sarees, lehenga, and skirt, you reflect the latest style statement.

11. Active Wear

Active Wear

You can always wear a bralette whenever you want to look active. It gets you the most active and fit look when you wear a bralette paired up with tights. When you sporty and fit when you wear them.

12. Dungaree with Crop Top

Dungaree with Crop Top

Dungarees are girls’ love and when they are paired with crop tops, they make every girl look stunning and cute. They make you look fascinating showing little of your stomach in the best possible manner. All you need to do is to look out the best showing your midriff in the best way.

So, enjoy showing off your midriff but follow these trends as there may be cases that may make you look bad with no sense of style. Make sure that you follow these tips while showing off.

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Image Courtesy : Roronta.com, Unicorninthegarden.wordpress.com, Popsugar.com, Fashionising.com





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Bruno Lee

Bruno is a senior editor at LooksGud. He is a fashion observer and devotee who is always curious to know what’s trending in the field. He loves trekking, playing cricket, and fantasy movies. He loves to write about practical, budget-friendly fashion and simple hacks…. want to join the fun?

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